Monday, September 28, 2009

WCC: E's First Day

Today is certainly a day for firsts for me! This is my first guest appearance, and also my first outfit for the Wardrobe Capsule challenge. I'll add in all of my items shortly, but here is outfit #1.

Please don't mind the neon white legs (no tights required, ha). I had to teach today, so I chose something that looked fairly professional but was very distinct from my Wednesday outfit, as my number one fear with this challenge is that my students would pick out that I was wearing something twice in one week. After wearing the outfit all day, I did wish I'd chosen something a little lighter, since it was sunny and beautiful... aka hot... I felt pretty resourceful when someone complimented me on my "skirt" during the day, since the "skirt" is actually a dress, though you can't tell because the sweater covers the top nicely. Like C, I decided to base my items for the week around a color theme, which is black, white, teal, and purple. Today is the least colorful of the days for the week. I longingly eyed a pair of chunky earrings this morning. I think that's the hardest part: I'm definitely an accessories whore.

Dress: TJMaxx
Shoes: Payless
Sweater: New York and Company
Earrings: Claire's
Scarf: TJMaxx
Day 1: Black Sweater, Black shoes, sparkly white scarf, black and white dress, diamond studs


  1. You look so Parisian! And kind of Audrey Hepburn as well. I just love this.

    And I totally hear you on the accessories. I felt naked without any rings on.

  2. Oh you gals. You should have worked a ring into the accessories mix!

    I do love this little outfit, and I totally appreciate the fact that you layered a shirt OVER a dress! I am going to try and do that later on in the week. I find it very admirable, and you pull it off well.

  3. This is such a nice classic yet modern look. (And I have neon legs too.)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Aww thanks girls! God, every time I look at this picture now I laugh, because I coordinated my bright white legs to that scarf and didn't even know it! ;) I actually like the shape of the incognito dress than most of the skirts in my closet :)
