Thursday, February 4, 2010

packing challenge: wrap-up

So having had some time to reflect (ok, a LOT of time to reflect - I am lazy sometimes, what can I say?) here are my thoughts on the packing challenge:

I brought waaaaaaaaay too much stuff home with me. I packed things I didn't even wear - partially because the occasions I had imagined (New Year's on the town) didn't materialize (stupid head cold), partially because my home town is even more casual than I remembered, but mainly because I acquired a ton of new clothes while I was home. Which often happens (um, thanks Mom!).

For a reminder, here's what I brought.

And here's what I learned:

1. Pack no more than one of each kind of thing. I.e. one short cardigan and one long, not two. One pencil skirt, not two. One pair of neutral-colored heels, not two. One party shirt, not two. One pair of neutral dress pants, not two. One turtleneck, not two. I had to force myself to switch up and wear all the multiples I brought, which means I could easily have done without them.
2. This rule doesn't apply to button-downs - I wore all three of those multiple times - they can layer under or over tops and dresses.
3. It also doesn't apply to layering tanks and long-sleeved tees- I wore all of the ones I brought with me, especially since it was so cold.
4. Pack versatile pieces that can dress up or down - my plaid tunic got an awful lot of wear both at the office and on weekends. On the other hand, I wore my sweater vest zero times, because I packed a short-sleeved sweater that served essentially the same function and was more fun to remix.
5. Pack more underwear and socks. Because those I did run out of more than once. And being out of clean underwear is lame.

None of these lessons are ground-breaking, I know, but I do think this was a good exercise for me personally. Anyone have any other packing tips they could share?

The next packing challenge will be in March - packing for (gulp!) an academic conference!

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